Solar Power - Thermal and Photovoltaic

Through photovoltaic technology, it is possible to transform sun rays into electricity. Heat is harnessed effectively with the assistance from the thermal technology as well. Solar power is trapped in best possible way with both the technology. Power is generated in local farms in addition to the farms that are created in large scale.
Different uses of Thermal and Photovoltaic Solar Technology
Similar to the natural sources like air and water, Sun can be utilized as a source of energy effectively. Due to immense nature of solar power, it is considered as the life source for the planet Earth. Solar power is a renewable form of energy. It can be seen as a clean source of energy that can made available to the people to manage the consumption of energy. Minimum 50 minutes are required to create the solar power.
Technologies that have helped to utilize solar power
·         By using semiconductor cells within a panel, it is possible to create electricity directly from sun light. The method has been using photovoltaic solar technology to generate solar energy.
·         In case of solar thermal technology, separate stages are seen. In the beginning, the heat is transformed in to mechanical energy. Later on, it can be turned in to electricity. Due to method of its creation, it also recognized as solar power of concentrated nature.
Types of installations needed for solar power
1.      For homes and relatively substantial community, photovoltaic panels can be utilized effectively. However, solar thermal technology cannot be used in homes. It generally heats the environment beyond limits.
2.      For generating solar power, both the photovoltaic and thermal technology can be used in large areas as well. The power plant can be created in thousands of acres. Requirement of energy for large areas are fulfilled in the process. Through power grids, electricity is generally transferred.
Due to flexibility level of solar power, it can be defined as one of the preferable choices of renewable energy. Power supply for an entire city can be managed in the process. It has been found effective for industrial area as well.  Relatively secluded areas can be lighten up with the solar energy as well.

Photovoltaic Effect
The technology has been discovered by Edmond Becquerel, a French physicist in 1839. In the beginning, use of solar energy has been seen for industry. Through electric current, electrons are relocated. Through light, electrons are excited that is placed within the semiconductor.
Due to heating, photovoltaic cell generates electricity. As a semi conductor material, silicon is utilized. Direct current runs through the panel. Later on, it can be changed in to AC current through an inverter.
Solar Thermal Power
ü  Low-Temperature
Temperature under 100°C is utilized on the occasion. It can be utilized for commercial, residential and industrial area. Large amount of solar power is created with this strategy worldwide. Through thermal conductor, heat is absorbed. It is transformed in to fluid. Later on, it is directed to desired area. Uses of various kinds of collectors are utilized for the process. Both the simple and complex models of devices are noticed.
ü Concentrated Solar Power
Devices that are attached to the ground required for solar power generation through this technology. 

How Solar Power System Works

Solar cells are utilized to transform solar power in to electricity. Sunlight falls on the solar panel in the roof every day. Through solar panels, photons are converted in to electrons that are generally known as direct current. From the solar panel, current goes to the inverter and several other safety devices. Inverter is responsible for changing direct current in to alternating current. It is possible to run television, toaster and computer through this form of electricity easily. These facilities generally collect power from the wall outlet.
Due to help from the energy meter, it becomes possible to keep a track on the power generation and consumption. If the generated power is not utilized in due course then it can go back to the power grid once again with the assistance from meter. In case of a cloudy day or night, power is supplied from the grid. Bills are created according to the net consumption.
Solar Cells
Solar cells can be described as a semiconductor in square shape. It is generally quite tiny in nature. Uses of silicon in addition to different conductive materials are seen for semiconductor. It comes with a lean layer. Due to chemical reactions, electrons are released with the strike of sunlight in the solar cell. These solar cells are also recognized as the photovoltaic cells. It can be seen with other kinds of devices such calculator as well.
Components of solar PV system
PV modules are seen within the photovoltaic system. It is also remembered as PV panels. In addition, use of battery, regulator, inverter, mounting hardware and wiring can be noticed. Through PV modules, photovoltaic cells are arranged effectively. Grouping of the cells is seen within an array. Some of these arrays help to keep a track on the sunlight on daily basis. In this way, efficiency of the system can be increased as well.
Installation, Endurance and Maintenance of the PV system
PV system can be installed within the house individually. However, it is better to take assistance from the expert to avoid accident. Moving parts from the photovoltaic system can be noticed due to its sophisticated nature. Little maintenance can be required for these moving parts. Connection between the basic modules can be observed. In case of basic module, moving parts cannot be noticed. Therefore, it can be maintained easily. Durability level of the components is upheld strictly to avoid issues in future. Extended life can be ensured from the solar power system in the process.

Requirement of sunlight for PV system
For the generation of solar power, unobstructed sources of sunlight are required. It is necessary for an entire day. Energy output can be reduced due to shade on the PV panels. However, impact of the climate may not be seen majorly on the output. Similar results can be observed with the snow covers or air temperatures as the solar panels are placed directly towards the sun. However, it is always better to ensure abundance of sunlight upon the solar power panel. The amount of power generation often depends on the size of solar panels as well. 

How can you install solar power system at home

Do you want to save money on your electricity bills? Then, an option of solar power system can be tried at home. In this way, you can get an environment friendly lighting system. Solar energy is a renewable source that does not cause too much harm. Power consumption through solar energy in United States of America can doubled up in the coming years. In an excess of 100MW installation may be seen in 16 different states of America before the end of 2016.
Some of the solar technology provider has been installing machinery for trapping solar energy in best possible ways. Due to experience of 30 years, they have been able to provide adequate amount of assistance to the homeowners.
Installation of Solar Power
Energy audit
In some states of America, energy audit is required before the installation of solar power at home. Discounts can be offered only after observing the audit report. Therefore, it must be done prior to the installation.
Look through the installation option of physical nature
Importance must be given on the area required on the roof top for the installation of solar power system. It is better to mount the system on a roof that is faced southward. Ground mount can be utilized as an effective solution as well. Cost effectiveness of system must be reviewed properly. The solar panel must not obstruct the view of the neighbors at all. Condition of the roof must be examined beforehand. Roof must be offered in an adequate condition for the purpose of installation. It is better to contact a solar contractor on the occasion.
Know how much investment is required
Information about the cost of installation can be collected during audit. The solar panels are generally mounted up. Therefore, estimates for PV system must be known. In addition, it is also necessary to know about duration of use, opportunity of expansion and warranty.
Select a solar contractor and fix the price for installation
By talking to different solar contractors, it is possible to come across a decision. Inspection can be done by the experts to let you know about the price. Better contractor must be selected to serve the purpose. Contract must be signed with the contractor with detailed information. Legitimacy of the contractor must be checked as well. Contractor must not be paid prior to the work.
Equipments and permits
In order to get the equipment at the house, it is necessary to wait for few weeks. Building permits in addition to subsidies must be collected as well. More than six weeks must be kept in the hand for above things.
Duration of installation                      
For installation, few days must be devoted. In case of a ground mount, a week can be taken. Certification is given to the system after examining it properly by the county inspector.
Connect the system with the meter and grid
Solar power system must be attached to the meter and grid after installation. Generation of power can be started afterwards.
Attend a tutorial to learn about operation
Contractor generally offers a tutorial to teach about the system. Hazards are explained in the process. It is better to be aware about problems with the system beforehand.
Submit the paperwork
In order to acquire rebate from the state authority, paper work must be submitted adequately. If the rebate is applied to the contractor then you must not do anything. For a direct rebate from authority, necessary things must be done as soon as possible.

Cost of installing solar power panels

In the very beginning of solar power installation, the question arises in the mind about the cost. It is important to know the fact that there is no standard cost for installation. It may depend on the type of installation, area of installation, amount of power generation in addition to several other things. Tax credits from the state and local authority also play an important role. The process can be financed as well.
Purchasing a solar system for home
During purchase of solar power system, it is necessary to get an idea about the price. The average cost of residential system is minimum $ 15,000. However, it can go up to $ 40,000 in some occasion. The process depends on the bill, size and equipments basically. Based on the payment, solar systems are provided. Therefore, variety can be noticed in term of efficiency, reliability and durability.
From the solar contractor, knowledge can be gained about the service life of solar system. Through a high quality durable machine, huge amount of influence can be created on the service life.
For a single panel, you may have to invest minimum $ 100. However, isolated operation cannot be obtained from the solar power panel. Both the software and hardware are required for the occasion. Electricity can be generated with the assistance from the wires, cables, mounting hardware and solar panel. Requirement of inverter can be observed for the transformation and storage of energy.
Approximated price for the solar panel installation can be obtained from the contractor. Savings from the previous utility bills can be subtracted from the cost. Incentives are often given by the state and local government. In this way, information can be collected about its influence on the finances.
Due to installation of a solar panel of superior nature, you may have to pay in excess of conventional cost. High amount of durability and efficiency can be ensured in the process. Lots of savings can be guaranteed in the process. Maintenance cost for generation and maintenance of solar power is very low. Therefore, there is no need to do tension on the occasion.
Government incentive
Multiple types of tax incentives, financing and billing solutions are offered to the users of solar power. Therefore, use of solar panel can be made more cost effective. It is possible to become eligible for the incentive program.
Some incentives can be acquired from the federal government as well. 30% rebate is generally given by the government. However, it may or may not remain same from the next year. Therefore, installation must be completed as soon as possible.
Obtaining estimates
Price of the solar power installation is generally given according to the requirement of the house. Therefore, it may not be obtained very easily. However, it is better to get estimates from minimum three sources at once. Decision regarding the subject can be taken afterwards. The nature of technology used for the solar power installation can be asked in addition to the monitoring software and hardware. In order to calculate the exact amount of saving, use of solar calculator can be observed.

Benefits of using solar power

Solar power is accumulated from the radiation of Sun. It is certainly a powerful energy. Energy requirement of an entire year can be fulfilled with the amount of solar energy that is offered to the Earth for an hour. However, people have managed to trap only 0.01% of this energy for use.
Popularity of solar energy has been increasing at a rapid rate in the recent time. Due to renewable and environmental friendly nature of the energy, it has been preferred as an energy source over others. As a result of the benefits of using this energy, it has been used by lots of people now-a-days. However, it cannot be denied that it is expensive method. Technology related to the solar power has been developing continuously. Therefore, cost can be reduced considerably in the future.
If you have decided to use solar power then investment can be done accordingly. Discounts and incentives are noticed in due course. Suitable option must be found according to the requirement and budget.
Reasons to use solar power          
Renewable source
Due to renewable and omnipresent nature of the solar technology, it can be utilized in different parts of the universe quite easily. Possibility of running out of solar energy cannot be seen. Therefore, it can be considered as a great departure from the non-renewable sources. From the solar power, energy can be consumed from the sunrise to sunset. From the Sun, it is possible to get energy for minimum 5 billion years
Savings through electricity bills
Some of the requirements of energy are met through the solar system. Therefore, it is quite natural to observe lower bills. The amount of the savings is generally decided on the nature of usage and solar system. Higher amount of earning can be ensured if you generate energy more than use. Surplus energy can be exported in order to receive bonus from the grid maintenance authority. Rates of selling energy are quite huge in day. Therefore, it is better to buy energy from grid during night and trade it during day.
Different Applications
Use of solar power can be noticed for different purposes. Both the heat and electricity can be generated. Solar energy can be created without presence of a grid as well. It is possible to purify water in a remote location with the assistance from solar energy. Satellites can be powered in the same process as well.
Decreased amount of maintenance cost
High amount of maintenance is not required for the production and equipments of solar power generation. However, it is better to clean the equipment at regular intervals. It can be done for minimum two times in a year. From manufacturer, it is possible to get minimum 25 years of guarantee. Chances of tear or wear cannot be seen in due course. Inverter can be changed after 10 years for effective results. Therefore, cost of installing solar system can be recovered in minimum amount of time possible.
Technology Development
Continuous improvement can be observed within solar power industry. Therefore, innovation can be expected in the future as well.