How can you install solar power system at home

Do you want to save money on your electricity bills? Then, an option of solar power system can be tried at home. In this way, you can get an environment friendly lighting system. Solar energy is a renewable source that does not cause too much harm. Power consumption through solar energy in United States of America can doubled up in the coming years. In an excess of 100MW installation may be seen in 16 different states of America before the end of 2016.
Some of the solar technology provider has been installing machinery for trapping solar energy in best possible ways. Due to experience of 30 years, they have been able to provide adequate amount of assistance to the homeowners.
Installation of Solar Power
Energy audit
In some states of America, energy audit is required before the installation of solar power at home. Discounts can be offered only after observing the audit report. Therefore, it must be done prior to the installation.
Look through the installation option of physical nature
Importance must be given on the area required on the roof top for the installation of solar power system. It is better to mount the system on a roof that is faced southward. Ground mount can be utilized as an effective solution as well. Cost effectiveness of system must be reviewed properly. The solar panel must not obstruct the view of the neighbors at all. Condition of the roof must be examined beforehand. Roof must be offered in an adequate condition for the purpose of installation. It is better to contact a solar contractor on the occasion.
Know how much investment is required
Information about the cost of installation can be collected during audit. The solar panels are generally mounted up. Therefore, estimates for PV system must be known. In addition, it is also necessary to know about duration of use, opportunity of expansion and warranty.
Select a solar contractor and fix the price for installation
By talking to different solar contractors, it is possible to come across a decision. Inspection can be done by the experts to let you know about the price. Better contractor must be selected to serve the purpose. Contract must be signed with the contractor with detailed information. Legitimacy of the contractor must be checked as well. Contractor must not be paid prior to the work.
Equipments and permits
In order to get the equipment at the house, it is necessary to wait for few weeks. Building permits in addition to subsidies must be collected as well. More than six weeks must be kept in the hand for above things.
Duration of installation                      
For installation, few days must be devoted. In case of a ground mount, a week can be taken. Certification is given to the system after examining it properly by the county inspector.
Connect the system with the meter and grid
Solar power system must be attached to the meter and grid after installation. Generation of power can be started afterwards.
Attend a tutorial to learn about operation
Contractor generally offers a tutorial to teach about the system. Hazards are explained in the process. It is better to be aware about problems with the system beforehand.
Submit the paperwork
In order to acquire rebate from the state authority, paper work must be submitted adequately. If the rebate is applied to the contractor then you must not do anything. For a direct rebate from authority, necessary things must be done as soon as possible.